| 1. | His holiness pope john paul ii was welcomed by the crowd 尊敬的保罗教皇陛下受到人群的欢迎。 |
| 2. | Karmapa chenno ! the most update pictures of his holiness karmapa 顶礼至尊至圣之伟大上师噶玛巴 |
| 3. | We received news that it was a difficult year for his holiness 我们听说那一年对法王极为艰辛。 |
| 4. | At that time his holiness trijang dorje chang had a bad illness 在那时赤江仁波切法王患有重病。 |
| 5. | Tai situpa was visiting his holiness karmapa in new delhi 于新德里拜访了第十七世大宝法王噶玛巴 |
| 6. | His holiness : war plants the seeds of hatred and revenge 法王开示:战争散播了憎恨与复仇的种子。 |
| 7. | His holiness karmapa during nov - dec 2006 in mirik and sarnath ;写给在城市里坚持修行的朋友;重归红尘 |
| 8. | His holiness was giving a series of teachings in gaden at that time 法王当时在甘丹寺进行一系列的演讲。 |
| 9. | I related my history to his holiness and said i was already over mature age 我告诉他我早已过了适当年。 |
| 10. | His holiness karmapa s public talk 大宝法王的公开讲话 |